What To Expect If You Are Charged With Larceny In California

What To Expect If You Are Charged With Larceny In California

Larceny is the basic crime of theft in California. It is among the various crimes identified in California’s Penal Code, including larceny, robbery, burglary, carjacking, embezzlement, fraud and identity theft, that relate to the illegal act of stealing. Larceny is one of the most frequently seen charges in the California court system. The term larceny […]

The California Privacy Rights Act Is Coming

The California Privacy Rights Act Is Coming

On January 1, 2023, the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) becomes fully effective. This could change things for some California businesses. The CPRA was originally passed by popular vote in 2021. More than 56% of the voters who took part in the November election were in favor of the new law. Concerns about privacy, identity […]

Unlawful Use Of A Driver’s License

Unlawful Use Of A Driver’s License

Your driver’s license may seem like a small, inexpensive laminated card that proves to the world that you’re legally allowed to operate a vehicle in California. What you might not realize is that there are ways you can use your driver’s license that violate California’s laws. Examples of unlawfully using a driver’s license in California […]

Rules To Follow When Hosting A Yard/Garage Sale

Rules To Follow When Hosting A Yard/Garage Sale

Yard sales and garage sales are kind of awesome. Not only do they provide you with an opportunity to clear out some of the stuff that has been cluttering up your house, but you can even make money doing so! Another perk is that they can turn into a type of community event that allows […]

How To Report A Crime

How To Report A Crime

You’ve seen a crime happen. Now you’re in a bind. Are you legally required to report the crime? Who should you report the crime to? How do you even go about reporting a crime? How long do you have to report the crime? It’s amazing how much stress simply being an innocent bystander can cause. […]

California’s Stance On Battery Of A Police Officer

California’s Stance On Battery Of A Police Officer

Many people assume that assaulting an officer and the battery of a police officer are the same thing. They’re not. While the two terms are becoming increasingly interchangeable, when many of California’s laws were drafted, the term battery referred to a physical act that resulted in the victim sustaining an injury. As time passed, California’s […]

Aiding A Suicide In California

Aiding A Suicide In California

Assisted suicide has been a strongly debated topic in California and other parts of the world for several years. California legalized assisted suicide with the End of Life Option Act that took effect on June 9, 2016. While the law allows patients who are suffering from terminal illnesses to legally end their life rather than […]

Eavesdropping In California

Eavesdropping In California

Eavesdropping is something we’ve all done at some point in our lives. Normally, it involves staying quiet and remaining shrouded in mystery while we listen to someone discuss either ourselves or someone we know. In most cases, eavesdropping is fairly harmless, however, there are some circumstances where your penchant for eavesdropping could result in you […]