
How To Pick A Bail Agent In California

Most people have never dealt with bail before and so when they have to rescue a loved one from jail, they don’t know how to do that. A big question that people often have is: how to pick a bail agent? What determines a good bail agent from a bad agent? Most people don’t know […]


Off-Roading In California State And National Parks

Off-roading isn’t just a lot of fun, it’s also a great way to see parts of California’s state and national parks you wouldn’t otherwise get to see. Off-roading provides you with the means to visit more remote areas than the traditional roads take you to, while also allowing you to cover more ground than you […]


Bicycle Traffic 101

A rite of passage for many young children is learning how to ride a bike. Whether it be the freedom of riding around your neighborhood, cycling to the ice cream parlor in the summer, or just going to visit a friend without having to depend on your parents, there is much fun to be had […]


Nature In California

California is a large state full of opportunities and things to do. Even though it’s winter, the temperatures don’t always show it. This is a great opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors by checking out some of the parks within California. With hundreds of hiking trails, 118 state parks, and 9 national parks, California is […]


What Are Romance Scams?

Romance scams don’t get as much media attention as they probably should. This probably stems from the fact that many victims are embarrassed or ashamed that they fell for the con, that they rarely report the matter to the police and are even less likely to discuss the situation with the media or even alert […]


Beware Of Scams In The Modern Age

In the age of modern technology, it is important to be wary of scams used to gain private information from one of your accounts or devices. This sensitive information can be used to take money from the victim without him or her even knowing. There are several different ways someone can gain access to a […]


Telemarketer Fraud

If you hate telemarketers, you’re not alone. Legal Beagle reported that in 2017, Bank my Cell conducted a survey that revealed that out of 1,200 people, 75% of them actively avoided calls that they knew were from telemarketers. 85% of the people who responded to the survey reported that even the thought of dealing with […]


What Is Petty Theft?

Everyone understands the concept of theft and how bad it is. However, once law enforcement gets involved, it can get confusing for many people not familiar with their terminology. Law enforcement officers have many different phrases and terms for different crimes. These terms help the officers identify the severity of crime and many other factors. […]


Racketeering In California

If you’ve ever gotten hooked on one of TV’s procedural crime shows, it’s likely you’ve heard the word, RICO, thrown around in a few episodes. The word refers to the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act, which was passed over fifty years ago in 1970. The purpose of the act was to crack down on […]


What Is Money Laundering And Why Is It Illegal?

Everyone is aware of the obvious fact that committing crimes is illegal. What can often get people into trouble is not knowing which acts are considered illegal in the first place. This leads to people doing something they thought was okay and then winding up in trouble with the law. For instance, people are aware […]