
Unwritten Camping Rules To Remember

Camping is wonderful. Camping provides you with the means to connect to the earth and nature while also bonding with family and friends. The best thing about camping is all the great memories you collect during each camping trip. The next time you’re about to hit the woods for an epic camping trip, keep these […]


Handling Hate Crimes In California

Hate crimes are a far bigger problem than many people realize. Data collected by the Justice Department indicates that starting in 2013 and ending in 2017, there were approximately 55,000 gender-related hate crimes in the United States. As if the number of hate crimes wasn’t already scary enough, recent stats indicate that there is a […]


Dog Bites In California

Everyone’s excitement about having pets back in the White House has dimmed considerably following reports that President Biden’s rescue dog, Major, allegedly bit someone. The immediate reaction to the incident was to relocate both presidential dogs. Dog bites are the biggest fear many dog owners have. Any dog is capable of biting a person. One […]


Fireworks And Safety

Fireworks are a fun and memorable way to celebrate the Fourth of July, but they can also be dangerous and in some cases have even been deadly. If you plan on setting off your own fireworks this Fourth of July, you owe it to yourself and your family to use common sense and practice firework […]


What Fireworks Are Legal in California?

June is quickly racing by, bringing us closer and closer to one of the biggest and most important holidays of the year for the nation. There is no denying that the Fourth of July is a huge deal to everyone living in America. After all, the holiday celebrates the country’s founding. The Fourth of July […]


You’ve Been Arrested For DUI… Again

Getting arrested and charged for DUI once in California is terrifying and life-altering. The second time you’re arrested for the same thing is even worse. Like many states, California lawmakers have decided that to take a hard stance on drunk drivers. One of the ways they’ve done this is by creating laws that make a […]


Standing Your Ground In California

In California, you have the right to defend yourself, even if you’re not inside of your home at the time. The issue is dealt with in California’s self-defense laws which are more popularly referred to as Stand-Your-Ground laws. What the Stand-Your-Ground laws do is provide you with a way to hold tight and defend yourself […]


Obstructing The Police In California

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, obstructing the police is, “The offense of hindering a police officer who is in the course of doing his duty (Police Act 1996 s 89). “Obstruction” includes any intentional interference, e.g. by physical force, threats, telling lies or giving misleading information, refusing to cooperate in removing an obstruction or […]


Child Endangerment In California

California’s lawmakers believe that adults have a moral and legal responsibility to protect children. Failing to do so can put you on the wrong side of the law. The California Penal Code 273a PC deals with the issue of child endangerment. The interesting thing about Penal Code 273a PC is that while it deals with […]


Statute Of Limitations In The State Of California

The phrase statute of limitations refers to a predetermined amount of time that has to pass before a person can no longer be convicted of a crime. Each state sets their own statute of limitations for different types of crimes. Statute of limitations apply to both criminal civil lawsuits. Why Statute Of Limitation Exist The […]