
Cash Bail Vs. Bail Bonds

When needing to post bail, a defendant has a couple of options. Which option he or she chooses is dependent on what they can afford. The first option is cash bail. For this option, the defendant, and anyone on his or her behalf, must pay the full bail amount to the court in order for […]


Statute Of Limitations In The State Of California

The phrase statute of limitations refers to a predetermined amount of time that has to pass before a person can no longer be convicted of a crime. Each state sets their own statute of limitations for different types of crimes. Statute of limitations apply to both criminal civil lawsuits. Why Statute Of Limitation Exist The […]


How To Dress Properly For Court

It doesn’t matter if you’re in civil or legal court, you want to make sure you’ve dressed appropriately. The good news is that getting dressed for court isn’t difficult. It’s also likely that you have most of the items needed to make a good impression so you don’t have to worry about the expense of […]


What Counts As Hit And Run In California?

Nobody enjoys accidents, no matter how big or small they may be. However, dealing with spilled milk is much more tolerable than dealing with a car accident. Car accidents can range anywhere from a mild fender bender to full on wrecks. At the low end of the spectrum, car accidents are a nuisance, at the […]


Motorcycle Laws: Two Wheels Of Freedom, Right?

The warmer weather seems to be intoxicating for Californians. There’s something about feeling the wind through your hair as you cruise down back roads and take in the views. While some are satisfied with a hand out the window or the top down, others may prefer two wheels. A beautiful day in California will bring […]


The 3 Levels Of Crimes

When it comes to getting in trouble with the law, there are three levels of offense. Crimes are spread across these three levels, which is why different crimes earn a person different severities of punishment. The three different levels are: Infractions Misdemeanors Felonies Every crime that you can think of can be placed into one […]


Understanding Proper Court Etiquette

Proper etiquette is essential for making a good impression on other people, and this is especially true in the courtroom, especially for the defendant. The defendant is already in the courtroom with a disadvantage; this is the person who is being accused of a crime and is fighting against the charges so the jury finds […]


Streaking In California

Streaking is one of those things that happens sometimes. It most often takes place at sporting events, but sometimes also happens at political rallies, school graduation, and even completely random. Streaking involves someone stripping off their clothing and, usually running, past a group of people. Most people consider it funny and will share stories and […]


Is Being Homeless A Crime In California?

In theory, California isn’t a bad place to be homeless. Sure, the high cost of living makes it difficult to get back on your feet, but at least the weather is nice all year round, so if you have to sleep outside a few nights a week, it shouldn’t be a big deal. Wrong! California […]


Consequences Of Ignoring A Jury Summon

The idea of a jury sounds like a great aspect of democracy right up to the point when you get a jury summons. It’s perfectly natural to wonder what would happen if you choose to ignore the letter telling you that you need to report to the courthouse and be considered for jury duty. While […]