
Understanding California’s Jury Duty

U.S. citizens who reside in the United States can receive a letter in the mail that summons them to serve on a jury. This is called jury duty. If selected to serve on the jury you’ll listen to a court case and use what you learned during the trial to decide if the defendant is […]


What Happens If You’re Accused Of Extortion In California

California lawmakers consider the act of using a threat or force to compel someone into giving you something, usually money or property, that they’d prefer to keep for themselves. In California, extortion and blackmail are considered the same thing. In California, extortion is considered an extreme situation. It is a felony with none of the […]


What Counts As Hit And Run In California?

Nobody enjoys accidents, no matter how big or small they may be. However, dealing with spilled milk is much more tolerable than dealing with a car accident. Car accidents can range anywhere from a mild fender bender to full on wrecks. At the low end of the spectrum, car accidents are a nuisance, at the […]


What Are The Consequences Of Hit And Run?

The last thing that anyone wants to happen while driving is getting into an accident. Not only are accidents very dangerous to a person’s health and safety, they can be very costly as well. Whoever is at fault, or responsible for, the accident can end up paying a whole lot of money in damages and […]


About Our Online Bail Bonds Program

If you live out of state, struggle with transportation or aren’t in a position where you can make a trip to the FastBail Bail Bonds office, but also need to arrange to bail a loved one out of jail, you should seriously consider our online bail bonds program. What Is Our Online Bail Bonds Program? […]


What Happens To Parents Wrongfully Accused Of Child Abuse?

Raising kids is no easy feat. It takes a lot of patience and hard work. Children can be unruly as they grow. They test boundaries and like to see what they can get away with. This can lead to standoffs between child and parent, which is a difficult encounter depending on the age of child. […]


Motorcycle Laws: Two Wheels Of Freedom, Right?

The warmer weather seems to be intoxicating for Californians. There’s something about feeling the wind through your hair as you cruise down back roads and take in the views. While some are satisfied with a hand out the window or the top down, others may prefer two wheels. A beautiful day in California will bring […]


Is Parking In Front Of A Hydrant A Good Idea?

When a person is driving in a city or heavily populated area, they know that finding a parking spot is probably going to be difficult. After all, there are a lot of people in cities, all of whom are trying to find a spot close to their destination to minimize any walk time. This process […]


Abandoned Cars In California

California law states that any vehicle which has been left unattended, standing, parked upon or within 10 feet of the traveled portion of the highway for more than 48 hours, or a vehicle left standing or parked on private property more than 24 hours or upon other public property for more than 30 days, is […]


The Truth About Carpool Cheating

The rules seem simple enough. If you are the only person in your vehicle, you must stick to a certain lane of traffic. If you’re carrying multiple people in your car, you’re free to use the carpool lane which typically travels at a significantly faster speed. The system is designed to encourage people to carpool […]